Personal Leadership is about personal growth, self fulfilment and the realisation of ones potential.

A great place to start developing your Personal Leadership is to explore your values.

Core values are fundamental beliefs that are well-developed and have probably been part of your character for years. When you do something that contradicts these values, your intuition, or gut feeling, will serve as a reminder that something is not right.  Things will feel like a struggle, you will feel out of sorts and you will feel tired.

When your work, life activities and goals are in synch with your core values, this creates an energy surge that can effortlessly lead you towards greater success and goal accomplishment.

By increasing your knowledge and understanding of your core values you will be able to make better decisions based on what is really important to you.  It will create a foundation for a new direction and a whole new level of satisfaction.

“You cannot change your destination overnight but you can change your direction” – Jim Rohn

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